
Writing a Book is an “Unconventional Ministry”

Dennis Wiens, host of the Unconventional Ministry podcast, published his interview of me recently.

In the 20-minute conversation I talk about the how and why of writing Someplace North, Someplace Wild.

I also answer Dennis’s questions about the book and some of my experiences that led to its creation.

Here are the options for listening.


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Of Wood, Stones and Cold

Wholesome good stories still live
While the earth remains, ​​Seedtime and harvest, ​​And cold and heat, ​​And summer and winter, ​​And day and night ​​Shall not cease. Genesis 8:22
What splendid poetry straight from God’s heart! What a grand promise of the enduring cycle of the…


While the earth remains, ​
​Seedtime and harvest, ​
​And cold and heat, ​
​And summer and winter, ​
​And day and night ​
​Shall not cease. Genesis 8:22

What splendid poetry straight from God’s heart! What a grand promise of the enduring cycle of the seasons.


Right now is the time to collect firewood before winter’s cold. Last month I spotted a standing dead Douglas Fir tree on private property, and got permission to harvest it. “You can have it if you take all of it,” the landowner said.

The tree was over a hundred feet tall (note my teenage grandson standing beside it) and 48” at the base, too big for an amateur to fall, so I outsourced that.

Once it was on the ground, I started clearing the branches and sticks. Finished that a few days ago and now I have about a week to harvest the log. The property is steep and once the autumn rains begin, getting a loaded trailer up that hill could prove tricky.

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National Day of the Cowboy … and some big news

It may have escaped your attention that today, July 22, is National Day of the Cowboy.

Likely, you already marked this on your calendar.  But just in case, I thought you might appreciate a reminder. 😎

An event labelled Day of the Cowboy might evoke images of John Wayne or Clint Eastwood.

For me, it’s the perfect opportunity to make a big announcement: I recently signed with Elk Lake Publishing to produce my novel, Someplace North, Someplace Wild!

That’s the fruit of a six-year project, and a big answer to prayer.

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